Following the pathway to God

Thinking Faith celebrates its seventeenth birthday on 18 January 2025, and a look back at the collection of articles with which the journal launched shows just how much has changed in the Church and the world since 2008. For example, those initial articles included Frank Turner SJ's discussion of the relationship between the UK and the EU, and a reflection by Jim Corkery SJ on the late Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical, Spe salvi. Change is a theme as we look forward, as well as back, as this year we hope to bring you some new and exciting developments! Thank you for supporting Thinking Faith in all we have done so far, and we hope that you continue to accompany us on our journey as we try to walk on the pathway to God. And don't forget, you can contact us to share your thoughts about our work.   



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Thinking Faith

Jesuits in Britain

114 Mount Street



For any enquiries, please email Frances Murphy.

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